Our Faculty

Kamran Quddus

Assistant Professor
  • Ph.D. (IIM Calcutta)
  • Integrated M.Sc. (IIT Kharagpur)


  • Verity Knowledge Solutions (July 2011 – June 2012)

Training & Consulting Areas

  • Financial Analytics, Investments, Behavioral Finance

Research Area

  • Asset Pricing, Behavioral Finance, Market Microstructure, Investments

Current Research Interests

  • Behavioral Finance, Asset Pricing, Investments

Professional Affiliation

  • Institute of Actuaries of India


  • Seth R., Quddus K. (2016) Performance of Aggregate Portfolios of Equity Mutual Funds: Skill or Luck?. In: Roy M., Sinha Roy S. (eds) International Trade and International Finance. Springer, New Delhi
  • Kamran Quddus and Ashok Banerjee. Investor Attention and Sentiment. In The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, October 18-20, 2017, UCLA, United States.
  • Kamran Quddus and Ashok Banerjee. Major non-market events distract investors from strong sentiment-carrying information, The Economic Times, September 2015.


  • NSE-NYU Stern Research Grant
  • CRISIL Doctoral Consortium Best Paper Award
  • Calcutta Stock Exchange Fellowship