Pritee Ray

Assistant Professor
  • Ph.D.: IIT Kharagpur
  • M.Tech: GIET Gunupur, BPUT, Odisha
  • B.Tech: CET Bhubaneswar, BPUT Odisha
Pritee Ray is an Assistant Professor in Operations Management area at the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Her research interest includes supply chain risk management, supply chain coordination, humanitarian logistics, closed-loop, and sustainable supply chain, disruptive technology applications, project risk management, etc. Her research articles have appeared in several reputed international journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operations Research, etc. She has won multiple awards in several international conferences such as the Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM 2012, IIT Delhi and SOM 2013, IIT Madras), International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2020, Detroit USA; IEOM 2020, Harare Zimbabwe; and IEOM 2021, Monterrey Mexico) for presenting her research works. In IIM Ranchi, she has taught post-graduate courses such as project management, operations research, operations management, supply chain analytics, and doctoral courses such as advanced supply chain management, and advanced operations research. As a visiting faculty, she has taught at IIM Raipur. She has delivered several training programs in project management, risk management, and supply chain management for different organizations.

Teaching Areas

  • Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Project Management
  • Operations Research


  • Research: Project Associate at IIT Kharagpur (January 2016-July 2016)
  • Teaching: DSCE Bangalore; ITER Bhubaneswar, SOA University, Odisha; GIET Gunupur, BPUT Odisha, MIET Bhubaneswar, BPUT Odisha.

Training & Consulting Areas

  • Procurement Risk Management

Research Area

  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Supply Chain Coordination
  • Optimization
  • Game Theory

Current Research Interests

  • Supply chain risk management
  • Humanitarian supply chain
  • Optimization

Professional Affiliation

Member of Professional bodies:

  • Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), India.
  • Student Member of Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE), USA; Production and Operation Management Society (POMS), USA; Operational Research (OR) Society, UK.
  • Invited Reviewer:

    • European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier.
    • International Journal of Production Research, Taylor and Francis.
    • Annals of Operations Research, Springer.
    • IEEE transaction on System, Man, and Cybernetics.
    • Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer.



    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. (2016). Mean-variance analysis of sourcing decision under disruption risk, European Journal of Operational Research 250(2), 679-689.
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. (2014). Sourcing decision under disruption risk with supply and demand uncertainty: A newsvendor approach, Annals of Operations Research 237(1), 237-262.
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. (2013). Sourcing under supply disruption with capacity-constrained suppliers, Journal of Advances in Management Research 10(2), 192-205.

    Conference Proceedings:

    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. Effect of wholesale price contract on supply chain coordination under disruption risk, presented in International conference on E-Business and Supply chain Competitiveness (EBSCC2016), IIT Kharagpur, India. (February 12?14, 2016).
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. Coordination under supply disruption: A game-theoretic approach, accepted for presentation in POMS International Conference 2014, NITIE, India. (December 18-21, 2014).
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. Sourcing decision with correlated supplier disruption: An MV framework, presented in the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Malaysia. (December 9-12, 2014).
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. Sourcing Decision under Supply Disruption with Option Contract and Spot Market, presented in POMS International Conference 2014, Singapore. (July 21-23, 2014).
    • Ray, P., Jena, D., and Jenamani, M. Supplier Selection and Order Allocation under Supply Disruption in Multi-Product Setting, presented in Seventeenth International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, IIT Madras. (December 20-22, 2013).
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. Sourcing decision under supply disruption and capacity constrained suppliers: a newsvendor approach, presented in Sixteenth International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, IIT Delhi. (December 21-23, 2012).
    • Ray, P., and Jenamani, M. Supply Chain Risk Management: Risk Issues and Research Advancements, accepted for presentation in Fifteenth International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, IIM Calcutta. (December 16-18, 2011).
    • Ray P., and Biswas, A. Simulation based analysis of the bullwhip effect in supply chain inventory system, published in the proceeding of ICIE, 2011, SVNIT, Surat.(November 17-19, 2011).
    • Ray, P., and Satpathy, S. A review of intelligent manufacturing systems, published in the proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing Technologies, GIET, Gunupur,Odisha.(January 9-12, 2010).


    • Best research paper award in the XVII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2013, IIT Madras, India.
    • Best research paper award in the XVI Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2012, IIT Delhi, India.
    • o Recipient of MHRD Scholarship for Ph.D.
    • Received National Merit Scholarship for class 10th.