I am currently serving as an Assistant Professor at IIM Ranchi, India in Information Systems & Business Analytics area (Aug, 2021 – till date). I served as a Post-doctoral Fellow (PDF) in the Management Science Division of Business School at the University of Edinburgh, UK (Feb, 2020 – Aug, 2021). I received my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering of IIT Kharagpur (India), and both ME and BE degrees from the Department of Production Engineering of Jadavpur University (India).I have teaching and research experience of four years (approx.) and industrial experience of nearly three years as a Senior Production Engineer in the Planning, Production, and Assembly division of a multi-national pump manufacturing company. My domain of research includes theoretical improvement and applications of data analytics using machine learning (ML), data mining (DM), and Operations Research (OR) approaches. In addition, I had my responsibilities in teaching assistance at the departmental level, and national level (NPTEL video lectures), in the national MHRD-funded project & international EPSRC UK project, and in judge-role in the Techno-Management Fest KSHITIJ 2019.In my other responsibilities, I have been serving as an Associate Editor in the journal “Machine Learning with Applications” (Elsevier), Editorial Board Member in both the journals, “Social Sciences & Humanities Open” (Elsevier), and “Science Journal of Public Health”. I have been serving as a reviewer in 48 peer-reviewed top-tier journals, including Automation in Construction, Applied Soft Computing, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Safety Science, IEEE Access, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, and International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering . I have been serving as a member of several professional bodies, which are INFORMS, INFORMS Analytics Society, IISE, and IEEE. I have visited different countries, including the USA (2016, 2018), UK (2020-2021), and Singapore (2018) for attending international conferences, academic collaboration, and research works.
1. Honoured with the position of Guest Editor of Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Elsevier Science (Jan, 2021 – May, 2022)
2. Honoured with the position of Editorial Board Member of the Journal Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Elsevier Science (May, 2020 – Apr, 2022)
3. Honoured with the position of Guest Editor of Safety Science, Elsevier Science (Jul, 2020 – Dec, 2021)
4. Awarded Young Scientist Award in “International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine” in 2020.
5. Awarded Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Fellowship for UK Research and Innovation in the University of Edinburgh, UK from Feb 11, 2020 to Sep 30, 2021.
6. Awarded IIT Kharagpur funding for attending international conference iSAI-NLP 2018 in Bangkok.
7. Awarded IIT Kharagpur full funding for attending international conference IISE 2018 in USA.
8. Awarded Best research paper award in International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security (IEMIS 2018), 2018, IEM, Kolkata, India.
9. Awarded IIT Kharagpur full funding for attending international conference INFORMS 2016 in USA.
10. Awarded MHRD Scholarship for Ph.D. from 2014 to 2019
11. Awarded Gold Medal by Jadavpur University in M.E. in 2014
12. Awarded with First Class First in M.E. in 2014
13. Awarded with First Class in B.E. in 2009
14. Honoured being the Topper in Dum Dum Kishore Bharati High School in H.S. Exam in 2005
Executive Education Programmes (EEPs)
Executive Education Certificate Programmes
Human Connect
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan